Database Systems

Project 1

Data Analysis Web Site

For the first project you will demonstrate your mastery of SQL and practice database design by creating a website that allows users to enter and analyze data.


The website can be related to anything you want, but it must meet the following requirements.


This assignment requires web programming. If you have no experience with web programming you may collaborate with someone who does. If you do, both partners must work on the same computer and actively contribute to every line of code. Only one partner needs to submit code, but both partners names should be in the code.


Your project will be evaluated according to the following requirements:

  1. Complex database

    a.   The database should have multiple tables.
    b.   The database should have at least one to-one relationship.
    c.   The database should have at least one to-many relationship.
  2. Database Design

    a.   The database should use constraints to maintain integrity.
    b.   The database should use appropriate data types.
    c.   The database should reduce redundancy and promote efficiency.
  3. Interesting analysis

    a.   The analysis should provide non-obvious insights about the data.
    b.   The analysis should be customizable by the user.
  4. Modify the data

    a.    The database should be initialized with a large set of data.
    b.    The user should be able to add new data.
    c.    The user should be able to modify existing data.
  5. User Interface

    a.   The user interface should be intuitive and easy to use.


This project has several submission deadlines:

  1. Submit a proposal for a project as a text document on the course Inquire page before class on Tuesday, March 13th. Be prepared to present your proposal during class before forming teams.
  2. Submit a design document, including a database schema, user interface illustration, requirements list, and timeline, to the course Inquire page before class on Tuesday, March 20th.
  3. Submit a zip file containing your project’s source code and a URL to an operational version to the course Inquire page before class on Tuesday, April 3rd. Be prepared to present your project during class.