Database Systems

Assignment 9


Submit your your queries to the following prompts as a .sql file, with comments, on the course Inquire site.

Entertainment Agency Database

  1. Add 0.5 percent to the commission rate of agents who have sold more than $20,000 in engagements. (Hint: Use an aggregate subquery to find those agents HAVING total bookings greater than $20,000.)

    | CommissionRate | NewCommissionRate   |
    |           0.05 | 0.05500000074505806 |
    |          0.045 | 0.05000000178813934 |
    |           0.06 |  0.0649999986588955 |
    (3 rows changed)

School Scheduling Database

  1. Increase the salary of full-time tenured staff by 5 percent. (Hint: Use a subquery in the WHERE clause to find matching staff IDs in the faculty table that have a status of full time and a tenured field value of true, that is, 1 or –1, depending on your database system.)

    | Salary   | NewSalary |
    | 44000.00 |     46200 |
    | 53000.00 |     55650 |
    | 45000.00 |     47250 |
    | 49000.00 |     51450 |
    | 44000.00 |     46200 |
    | 60000.00 |     63000 |
    | 45000.00 |     47250 |
    | 45000.00 |     47250 |
    | 50000.00 |     52500 |
    | 57000.00 |     59850 |
    | 48000.00 |     50400 |
    | 60000.00 |     63000 |
    | 50000.00 |     52500 |
    | 52000.00 |     54600 |
    | 60000.00 |     63000 |
    | 60000.00 |     63000 |
    | 45000.00 |     47250 |
    | 60000.00 |     63000 |
    | 48000.00 |     50400 |
    | 45000.00 |     47250 |
    | 56000.00 |     58800 |
    (21 rows changed)
  2. For all staff in ZIP Codes 98115 and 98125, change the area code to 360.

    | StfAreaCode | NewAreaCode |
    | 206         | 360         |
    | 206         | 360         |
    | 206         | 360         |
    (3 rows changed)