Database Systems

Assignment 5

Outer Joins

Submit your your queries to the following prompts as a .sql file, with comments, on the course Inquire site.

Entertainment Agency Database

  1. Display agents who haven’t booked an entertainer.

    | AgentID | AgtFirstName | AgtLastName |
    |       9 | Daffy        | Dumbwit     |
    (1 row)
  2. List customers with no bookings.

    | CustomerID | CustFirstName | CustLastName |
    |      10008 | Darren        | Gehring      |
    |      10011 | Joyce         | Bonnicksen   |
    (2 rows)
  3. List all entertainers and any engagements they have booked.

    | EntertainerID | EntStageName             | EngagementNumber | StartDate  | CustomerID |
    |          1001 | Carol Peacock Trio       |               12 | 2012-09-18 |      10014 |
    |          1001 | Carol Peacock Trio       |               24 | 2012-10-01 |      10001 |
    |          1001 | Carol Peacock Trio       |               35 | 2012-10-14 |      10005 |
    |          1001 | Carol Peacock Trio       |               43 | 2012-10-21 |      10001 |
    |          1001 | Carol Peacock Trio       |               49 | 2012-11-13 |      10014 |
    |          1001 | Carol Peacock Trio       |               70 | 2012-12-23 |      10010 |
    (112 rows)

School Scheduling Database

  1. Display subjects with no faculty assigned.

    | SubjectID | SubjectCode | SubjectName          |
    |        29 | JRN 104     | College Publications |
    (1 row)
  2. List students not currently enrolled in any classes. (Hint: You need to find which students have an enrolled class status in student schedules and then find the students who are not in this set.)

    | StudentID | StudFirstName | StudLastName |
    |      1002 | David         | Hamilton     |
    |      1010 | Marianne      | Wier         |
    (2 rows)
  3. Display all faculty and the classes they are scheduled to teach.

    | StaffName          | SubjectName                                | ClassID | ClassRoomID | StartTime | Duration |
    | Viescas, Suzanne   | Art History                                |    1031 |        1231 | 14:00:00  |       50 |
    | Viescas, Suzanne   | Art History                                |    4031 |        1231 | 14:00:00  |       50 |
    | Viescas, Suzanne   | Composition - Intermediate                 |    1183 |        3415 | 13:00:00  |       50 |
    | Viescas, Suzanne   | Composition - Intermediate                 |    4183 |        3415 | 13:00:00  |       50 |
    | Hallmark, Gary     | Financial Accounting Fundamentals II       |    2510 |        3307 | 13:00:00  |       80 |
    | Hallmark, Gary     | Financial Accounting Fundamentals II       |    5510 |        3307 | 13:00:00  |       80 |
    (135 rows)

Recipes Database

  1. Display missing types of recipes.

    | RecipeClassDescription |
    | Soup                   |
    (1 row)
  2. Show me all ingredients and any recipes they’re used in.

    | IngredientName                | RecipeID | RecipeTitle                                           |
    | Beef                          |        1 | Irish Stew                                            |
    | Beef                          |        9 | Roast Beef                                            |
    | Onion                         |        1 | Irish Stew                                            |
    | Onion                         |        2 | Salsa Buena                                           |
    | Onion                         |        3 | Machos Nachos                                         |
    | Onion                         |       11 | Huachinango Veracruzana (Red Snapper, Veracruz style) |
    | Onion                         |       13 | Tourtière (French-Canadian Pork Pie)                  |
    (108 rows)
  3. List the salad, soup, and main course categories and any recipes.

    | ClassName   | RecipeTitle                                           |
    | Main course | Irish Stew                                            |
    | Main course | Fettuccini Alfredo                                    |
    | Main course | Pollo Picoso                                          |
    | Main course | Roast Beef                                            |
    | Main course | Huachinango Veracruzana (Red Snapper, Veracruz style) |
    | Main course | Tourtière (French-Canadian Pork Pie)                  |
    | Main course | Salmon Filets in Parchment Paper                      |
    | Salad       | Mike's Summer Salad                                   |
    | Soup        | NULL                                                  |
    (9 rows)