Database Systems

Assignment 2


Submit your your queries to the following prompts as a .sql file, with comments, on the course Inquire site.

Entertainment Agency Database

  1. Give me the names of all our customers by city. (Hint: You’ll have to use an ORDER BY clause on one of the columns.)

    | City     | Customer            |
    | Auburn   | Hallmark, Elizabeth |
    | Bellevue | Bonnicksen, Joyce   |
    | Bellevue | Keyser, Liz         |
    | Bellevue | Pundt, Estella      |
    | Bellevue | Rosales, Mark       |
    | Bellevue | Thompson, Sarah     |
    | Kirkland | Brehm, Peter        |
    | Kirkland | Ehrlich, Zachary    |
    | Kirkland | Gehring, Darren     |
    | Redmond  | McCrae, Dean        |
    | Redmond  | Patterson, Kerry    |
    | Seattle  | Hartwig, Doris      |
    | Seattle  | Viescas, Carol      |
    | Tacoma   | Berg, Matt          |
    | Tacoma   | Waldal, Deb         |
    (15 rows)
  2. List all entertainers and their Web sites.

    | Entertainer              | Drop_By                         |
    | Carol Peacock Trio       | Web site: www.cptrio.com        |
    | Topazz                   | Web site: www.topazz.com        |
    | JV & the Deep Six        | Web site: www.jvd6.com          |
    | Jim Glynn                | NULL                            |
    | Jazz Persuasion          | Web site: www.jazzper.com       |
    | Modern Dance             | Web site: www.moderndance.com   |
    | Coldwater Cattle Company | Web site: www.coldwatercows.com |
    | Country Feeling          | NULL                            |
    | Katherine Ehrlich        | NULL                            |
    | Saturday Revue           | Web site: www.satrevue.com      |
    | Julia Schnebly           | NULL                            |
    | Susan McLain             | Web site: www.greensleeves.com  |
    | Caroline Coie Cuartet    | NULL                            |
    (13 rows)
  3. Show the date of each agent’s first six-month performance review. (Hint: You’ll need to use date arithmetic to answer this request.)

    | Agent             | DateHired  | FirstReview |
    | Bishop, Scott     | 1998-02-05 | 1998-08-04  |
    | Dumbwit, Daffy    | 2000-02-05 | 2000-08-03  |
    | Kennedy, John     | 1997-05-15 | 1997-11-11  |
    | Patterson, Maria  | 1997-09-03 | 1998-03-02  |
    | Smith, Karen      | 1998-03-05 | 1998-09-01  |
    | Thompson, William | 1997-05-15 | 1997-11-11  |
    | Viescas, Caleb    | 1998-02-16 | 1998-08-15  |
    | Viescas, Carol    | 1997-11-19 | 1998-05-18  |
    | Wier, Marianne    | 1998-02-02 | 1998-08-01  |
    (9 rows)

School Scheduling Database

  1. Give me a list of staff members, and show them in descending order of salary.

    | Salary   | StaffMember        |
    | 60000.00 | Abolrous, Sam      |
    | 60000.00 | Black, Alastair    |
    | 60000.00 | Bonnicksen, Joyce  |
    | 60000.00 | Brehm, Peter       |
    | 60000.00 | Hernandez, Michael |
    | 57000.00 | Hallmark, Alaina   |
    | 56000.00 | Patterson, Luke    |
    | 53000.00 | Hallmark, Gary     |
    | 52000.00 | Coie, Caroline     |
    | 52000.00 | Smith, David       |
    | 52000.00 | Smith, Jeffrey     |
    | 50000.00 | Viescas, Carol     |
    | 50000.00 | Wilson, Jim        |
    | 49000.00 | Brown, Robert      |
    | 48000.00 | Keyser, Liz        |
    | 48000.00 | Patterson, Maria   |
    | 45000.00 | DeGrasse, Kirk     |
    | 45000.00 | Ehrlich, Katherine |
    | 45000.00 | Glynn, Jim         |
    | 45000.00 | Patterson, Ann     |
    | 45000.00 | Sergienko, Mariya  |
    | 45000.00 | Viescas, Caleb     |
    | 44000.00 | Viescas, Suzanne   |
    | 44000.00 | Waldal, Deb        |
    | 40000.00 | Smith, Tim         |
    | 35000.00 | Rosales III, Joe   |
    | 25000.00 | Patterson, Kathryn |
    (27 rows)
  2. Can you give me a staff member phone list?

    | StaffMember        | Phone          |
    | Abolrous, Sam      | (760) 555-2611 |
    | Black, Alastair    | (206) 555-0039 |
    | Bonnicksen, Joyce  | (425) 555-2726 |
    | Brehm, Peter       | (425) 555-2501 |
    | Brown, Robert      | (713) 555-2491 |
    | Coie, Caroline     | (206) 555-2306 |
    | DeGrasse, Kirk     | (210) 555-2311 |
    | Ehrlich, Katherine | (425) 555-0399 |
    | Glynn, Jim         | (425) 555-2531 |
    | Hallmark, Alaina   | (425) 555-2631 |
    | Hallmark, Gary     | (253) 555-2676 |
    | Hernandez, Michael | (253) 555-2711 |
    | Keyser, Liz        | (425) 555-2556 |
    | Patterson, Ann     | (253) 555-2591 |
    | Patterson, Kathryn | (206) 555-2651 |
    | Patterson, Luke    | (503) 555-2316 |
    | Patterson, Maria   | (915) 555-2291 |
    | Rosales III, Joe   | (253) 555-2281 |
    | Sergienko, Mariya  | (503) 555-2526 |
    | Smith, David       | (510) 555-2646 |
    | Smith, Jeffrey     | (510) 555-2596 |
    | Smith, Tim         | (206) 555-2536 |
    | Viescas, Caleb     | (562) 555-0037 |
    | Viescas, Carol     | (425) 555-2576 |
    | Viescas, Suzanne   | (425) 555-2686 |
    | Waldal, Deb        | (253) 555-2496 |
    | Wilson, Jim        | (503) 555-2636 |
    (27 rows)
  3. List the names of all our students, and order them by the cities they live in.

    | StudCity     | Student             |
    | Auburn       | Hallmark, Elizabeth |
    | Bremerton    | Chavez, George      |
    | Dallas       | Pundt, Steve        |
    | Eugene       | Smith, Karen        |
    | Long Beach   | Jones, Brannon      |
    | Lubbock      | Thompson, Sarah     |
    | Medford      | Bishop, Scott       |
    | Palm Springs | Stadick, Betsy      |
    | Portland     | Kennedy, John       |
    | Portland     | Sheskey, Sara       |
    | Redmond      | Galvin, Janice      |
    | Redmond      | Viescas, Michael    |
    | San Antonio  | Patterson, Kerry    |
    | Seattle      | Bonnicksen, Kendra  |
    | Seattle      | Hartwig, Doris      |
    | Seattle      | Lum, Richard        |
    | Tacoma       | Hamilton, David     |
    | Tacoma       | Wier, Marianne      |
    (18 rows)