Database Systems

Activity 9


Sales Orders Database

  1. Set the retail price of accessories (category = 1) to the wholesale price of the highest-priced vendor plus 35 percent.

    | RetailPrice | UpdatedPrice |
    |       75.00 |           77 |
    |        7.45 |            8 |
    |       50.00 |           53 |
    |       15.00 |           16 |
    |       55.00 |           56 |
    |       82.00 |           86 |
    |      139.00 |          142 |
    |       45.00 |           48 |
    |       22.00 |           23 |
    |       27.00 |           32 |
    |      166.00 |          185 |
    (11 rows changed)

Bowling League Database

  1. Change the name of the‘ Huckleberrys’ bowling team to ‘MantaRays.’

    | TeamName     | NewTeamName |
    | Huckleberrys | Manta Rays  |
    (1 row changed)