Mobile Apps

Final Exam Review

A Miniture Practice Exam

  1. For the App with the following blocks:

    1. What text will Label1 display when the app first starts?

    2. What text will Label1 display after Button1 is clicked?

    3. What text will Label1 display after Button2 is clicked?

    4. What text will Label1 display after Button1 followed by Button2 is clicked?

    5. What text will Label1 display on a second device when if first starts if the user clicks Button1?

  2. What is the difference between a TinyDB and a TinyWebDB?

  3. When a Web component gets text, what is the text it gets?

  4. A "split at first" block takes text as input. What does it give as output?

  5. Create an App with a text box, a label, and a button. When the user clicks the button the app should display the cost of whatever is typed into the text box. To search for the price of something use the following url:

    Where SOMETHING is the text of something that you want to search for.