The National Security Agency (NSA) is a US government organization that gathers foriegn communication intellegence. Last June, The Guardian published an article that revieled the NSA collects and stores the metadata of millions of US Verizon customers. Phone metadata is the information that is associated with a phone call, such as who called who and when. The NSA is interested in the metadata of phone calls because it can be used to infer infomation about people making phone calls. The director of the National Security Agency has claimed that this information could is usefull in defending the United States. Meta data can also be used to infer personal information. The NSA intellegence database has also been used for less patriotic uses, like spying on love interests.
Please read the above linked articles and write an essay that answers the question, is the loss of privacy from the NSA's gathering of phone call metadata worth the national security benefits?
Please include citations to the above articles or any resources that you use to help answer the question. Your work will be graded according to the course essay rubric. Submit your essay as a text document on the course Inquire site before class on Thursday April 17th.