Mobile Apps

Test 2 Review

A Miniture Practice Test

  1. If a sprite has a heading of 45, a speed of 4, and an inverval of 1000, what what direction is it moving and how fast, in pixels per second?

  2. What heading, speed, and interval would move a sprite West at 1 pixel per second?

  3. Where is the point x = 0, y = 0 in a canvas component?

  4. If a sprite has a heading of 45 and the sprite's bounce function is called with the right edge of the canvas as an agrument, what will the sprite's new heading be?

  5. Create an app that has a Canvas with one Ball sprite. When the user touches the ball, it should move to another random location.

  1. For the App with the following blocks:

    1. Where will Ball1 be located after Button1 is pressed?

    2. Where will Ball1 be located after Button1 followed by Button2 is pressed?

    3. Where will Ball1 be located after Button1 followed by Button3 is pressed?

    4. Where will Ball1 be located after Button1 followed by Button4 is pressed?