Create an App similar to the note taker app from activity 10, but also allows you to share notes.
Begin by adding the ability to store a list of notes in a TinyWebDB. The app should have a text box for entering new notes, a button that adds the note in the text box, and a label that displays all of the notes that are currently stored.
In the Component Designer, add a TextBox, a Button, a Label, and a TinyWebDB component. Set the text box's hint to "enter a note", set the button's text to "add", and set the label's text to be empty.
In the blocks editor, add blocks to add a new note to the web database. To do this, first get the list from the web database, then add the new item from the text box to the list, and finally store the new list in the web database. Note, you must also do somthing different if the list is not yet in the database.
After updating the database, add blocks to update the label so that it displays everything that is in the notes list. Note, you will need a for block to do this. Also note, it will be useful to have a procedure update the label.
Test your app before proceeding. The app now allows you to share a list with someone else running the app. But if another person updates the list, you do not see the changes, until you add something to the list. Let's fix the app so it updates whenever it is changed.
When the app first starts the app should display everything that is in the list. Add blocks to the Screen.Initialize event handler so that the label displays the list that is in the web database. Note, you can not use the existing TinyWebDB component, because its GotValue event handler adds to the database and you do not want to add anything when the app first starts. Instead you need to add another TinyWebDB component that has its own GotValue event handler that only updates the label.
Add blocks to the app so that every few seconds it gets the list from the database and updates the label. Hint, you will need a Clock component to do this.