Software Eng & Project Design

Code Review Instructions

Step-by-step instructions for reviewing your project code.

  1. Create a clone of your project’s most recent commit tag.

From the command line on your computer, in the directory you want a copy of your project to reside (outside of your project’s directory), run the command:

shell git clone --branch <TAG NAME> <YOUR REPOSITORY URL>

Note, you must change the text in the angle brackets, including the angle brackets. So if you have completed part 3 of the project your clone command might look like:

shell git clone --branch part3 https://github.com/JStudent/nevis_app

This command will createa new directory with all of your code from the specified commit tag.

  1. Create a branch so that you can make style changes to the code without affecting the master branch:

shell cd <PROJECT DIRECTORY NAME> git checkout -b <BRANCH NAME>

You can now modify the code in this clone or the code in your original project directory without affecting each the other.

  1. Modify your code so that it follows the guidlines from “Clean Code”.

  2. When you are finished cleaning your code:

  1. commit the changes.

  2. push the commit.

  1. Create a pull request of the branch. The Github documentation has instructions for creating a pull request.

  2. Merge the pull request into your master branch. The Github documentation has instructions for merging pull requests.

In order to merge you will likely have to resolve conflicts. The Github documentation has instructions for resolving merge conflicts.

Do not delete the branch after the merge is complete. If the branch is deleted I won’t be able to see that you have completed the assignment.