Software Eng & Project Design

Project Part 7


Complete the invest tab so that it displays updates to the user.


  1. The home tab company updates should give the user the ability to share and comment on updates.

  2. The connect tab should displays a feed of posts from other users. The posts should give the user the ability for to share and comment on the posts.

  3. The connect tab should display a searchable list of events. Events should give the user the ability to sign up and invite friends.

The app should define classes and widgets, in their own files, to improve organization and facilitate testing.

Your code should be clean, readable, and efficient. Follow the Effective Dart guides for help with style.

Extra Credit

Add an interface that allows the user to apply to host an event.


The functionality of your code will be graded according to the following point scale:

home tab updates can be shared and commented on 10 points
share and comment interface is visually appealing 10 points
connect tab displays feed of posts 10 points
feed is visually appealling 10 points
feed updates can be shared and commented on 10 points
connect tab can display a list of events 10 points
event list can be searched or filtered 10 points
events have ability to sign up and invite friends 10 points
events are visually appealing 10 points
sign up and invite interface is visually appealing 10 points
extra credit host interface is easy to use 10 points
extra credit host interface is visually appealing 10 points

The final grade for this part of the project will be computed as:

final int finalScore = functionalityScore;


Submit your code by tagging a GitHub commit as “part7” on Tuesday, April 28th by 2PM.