Computational Aspects of E‑commerce

Activity 9

PHP Arrays & Loops

Elapsed Time

Create a new php web page that displays the amount of time, in milliseconds, that have elapsed between pairs of events. Assume that the times are stored in an array as numbers. For example:

    $times = array(368, 490, 522, 665, 543, 670, 801, 913);

The web page should use a table to print the start time, end time, and elapsed time. For example, for the above array the table would look like this:

    Start Time  End Time  Elapsed Time
    368 ms      490 ms      122 ms
    522 ms      665 ms      143 ms
    543 ms      670 ms      127 ms
    801 ms      913 ms      112 ms


Please show your completed web page and source code to the instructor.