Computational Aspects of E‑commerce

Activity 1

HTML Introduction

Set Up Home Page

Together we will set up the home page that you will be using for all of your activities and assignments for this course.

  1. Create a new directory called public_html in your home directory.

  2. Create a new text file using either Text Editor or Emacs. Add any text you want to the file. Save the text file as index.html in the public_html directory.

  3. Test your new home page by opening a web browser and typing in the url:

    Be sure to replace ‘yourusername’ with your actual username, the user name you used to log into the computer.

  4. Add a password to your site. Create a new text file with the following text:

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "mayterm"
    AuthUserFile /home/students/yourusername/.htpasswd
    Require valid-user

    Be sure to replace ‘yourusername’ with your username. Save the file as .htaccess in the public_html directory. Create another new text file with the following text:


    Save the file as .htpasswd in your home directory. Test the password on your home page by opening it in a web browswer.

Create Home Page

Add content to your home page, the index.html file. It should have:

  1. Your name (make it big)
  2. An image (whatever image you want)
  3. A paragraph explaining what the page is.
  4. A list, that is labeled, with links to all of your activities (which is empty right now)
  5. A list, that is labeled, with links to all of your assignments (which is also empty right now)

Change the style of your home page to make it look good by changing each of the following:

  1. Text color
  2. Font size
  3. Font family
  4. Background color
  5. Text alignment
  6. Bold or italics

Don’t just change things willy-nilly for the sake of making changes. Make changes that enhance the visuals of your page. Don’t forget to add title tags and make sure all of the html code is indented to make it easy to read.

Create About You Page

Create a new html file that contains information about you. You can format and style the page any way you want, but make it look good. Put a link to this html file on your home page in the activities list.


Please show your completed web page and source code to the instructor.