Fundamentals of Computer Science I

Post-lab 14

Logic and Test Cases

Another typical mechanism for determining whether two objects are intersecting is by computing bounding circles of the objects. Then determining whether the objects overlap is simply testing if the bounding circles overlap. In this post-lab, you will demonstrate your knowledge of conditionals and test cases by writing a function to perform this computation.


Create a function called are_circles_overlapping(circle_1_x, circle_1_y, circle_1_radius, circle_2_x, circle_2_y, circle_2_radius) in a file called circle_overlap.py. The function should return True if the circle centered at (circle_1_x, circle_1_y) with a radius of circle_1_radius is overlapping with the circle centered at (circle_2_x, circle_2_y) with a radius of circle_2_radius. The function should return False otherwise. Consider two circle touching to be not overlapping.

You can compute whether two circles are overlapping by determining if the center points of the circles are within the sum of the circle radii.

Test your function by calling the function multiple times with different parameters. Make sure you follow the course's code conventions.

Sample Test Cases

Function Parameters Expected Output
0, 0, 2, 1, 1, 2 True
0, 0, 2, 4, 4, 2 False
2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2 True


Submit your program as a .py file on the course Inquire page before class on Friday October 3rd.