Fundamentals of Computer Science I

Post-lab 11


The power of conditionals is that now we can use comparisons to determine a true output. To demonstrate your knowledge of conditionals, you will write a simple function using conditionals.


Create a function called compute_min(operand1, operand2, operand3) in a file called minimum.py. This function should have three integer parameters. It should return the minimum of these three values. The function should not use the built-in min function.

Test your function by calling the function multiple times with different parameters. Make sure you follows the course's code conventions.

Test Cases

Function Parameters Expected Output
0, 1, 2 0
1, 0, 2 0
1, 2, 0 0
1, 2, 1 1


Submit your program as a .py file on the course Inquire page before class on Friday September 26th.