My Robot, My Frenemy


Falling in Love

Summarize chapter 1 of Love and Sex with Robots.

Summarize chapter 2 of Love and Sex with Robots.

What is love?

Why did humans evolve to be capable of love?

How are there different types of love? What are they?

How is love different than attraction?

Do you think Byrne’s law of attaction explains why some people are attracted?

Can people fall in love on the internet?

Which of the ten causes of falling in love can pertain to robots?

  1. Similarity
  2. Desirable Characteristics of the Other
  3. Reciprocal Liking
  4. Social Influences
  5. Filling Needs
  6. Arousal/Unusualness
  7. Specific Cues
  8. Readiness for Entering a Relationship
  9. Being Alone with the Love Object, or Exclusiveness
  10. Mystery

Which of the ten causes of falling in love also pertain to pets?

Why do people love their pets?

Why did humans evolve to be capable of loving pets?

What is anthropomorphism?

Don’t let your pet live in sin: []

Can the benefits of owning a pet also apply to robot pets?

  1. Emotional comfort
  2. Satisfaction
  3. Improved health
  4. Happiness