Fundamentals of Computer Science II

Lab 17: Containers

pre-lab Videos

Here are links to the videos. The quality is poor but I think they are still instructional. Please let me know if you need more help.
Part one
Part two

Standard Template Library (STL)

The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provides several container classes. A container is an object that holds other objects (or variables of fundamental types). A list of containers provided in the STL can be found here. Knowing which container class to use is an important skill. Choosing the right container can greatly simplify your code.

For each container covered in this lab, I have provided links to its web page. Make sure you go through each container's public member functions to get a feel for each container. Focus on the following:
How to create the container: look at each containers constructors, it's okay if you don't understand all of it. The example code should give you enough to use the container.
How to insert element(s) into the container.
How to remove element(s) from the container.


A vector is essentially an array that grows dynamically to make room for new elements. The elements in a vector can be accessed just like an array. It also stores its size. To use the vector class, you need to include <vector> and use the std namespace. A container can only contain variables of a single type. To create a vector of integers called vec we use the following line of code.

vector<int> vec;

To cerate a vector of strings we use.

vector<string> vec;

In general, to create a vector of elements of type T, we use.

vector<T> vec;

The following classes are created analogously to the vector class. Just change the name vector to the appropriate class. i.e. Include the appropriate calls and use the std namespace.

Vectors are ideal when you need random (non-sequential) access to the elements. Adding an element (push_back) to the end of vector is also efficient. Adding an element to any other position is less efficient because it involves shifting elements of the vector.


Write a program that reads the contents of a text file as strings. It should then print the content of the file as a table with two columns. The first column should be the first half of all strings in the file. If the number of strings is odd, the first column should have one more string than the second column. Using a vector (push_back), you don't need to know the number of elements in the file or manage the memory. As long as you don't run out of memory, the vector class handles the memory allocation.

What is the difference between the [] operator and the at function?


A stack is a container where elements are removed (pop) in the opposite order in which they were inserted (push) i.e. the last element inserted is the first element removed. Stacks are ideal when you need to reverse the order of items or operations. In fact, we can uses a stack to transform recursive code to iterative code. Logically, a stack has a single end where elements are inserted and removed.


Write a program that reads a text file, then it prints all the characters in the file in the reverse order. Isn't it nice to not worry about memory, unlike with arrays? Also notice that we aren't explicitly using dynamic memory. All that is handled under the hood by the container classes. Later we will see how this is done. Using professionally designed classes should help you design class that are also easy to use.


A queue is a container where elements are removed (pop) in the order in which they were inserted (push) i.e. The first element inserted is the first element removed. Queues are ideal when you want to preserve the order in which elements are added. Logically, a queue has two ends, one for insertion the other for deletion.


A list is container that can handle insertion and deletion at any position efficiently, provided we have a "pointer" to that position. This is unlike vectors for which these operations are inefficient. To add an element to the middle of a vector requires moving half of the elements of the vector. Lists can also be more space efficient than vector, in a vector it is possible to have about half of its space unused. With a list, you don't get random access, you have to go through elements sequentially. The first element of a list is called the head of the list, the last element is the tail.


A set is a container that doesn't allow for duplicates. They are ideal when you only need information on the presence of an object rather than the number of times it occurs. You can use a set to easily count the number of distinct words in a file.


Create the function num_distinct_chars(string). The function should take a string and return the number of distinct characters in the string. Use a set to implement this function. Imagine if you didn't use a set, how much more complicated do you think the function would be? Make as second version of the function that doesn't use a set.


Like the set container, a map is named after its mathematical equivalent. A map is a container that contains key-value pairs. Every key is associated with a unique value. For example, a map that maps characters to integers is declared by the following line.

map<char, int> my_map;
my_map['a'] = 5;
my_map['x'] = 24;

my_map has size two with the key-value pairs ('a', 5) and ('x', 24). Given a key k and a map M, we access the value associated with k by M[k] . A map can be thought of as a generalization of an array. An array uses only nonnegative integers to index its content, but a map can use any type that is comparable (i.e. any type we can compare with the less than operator). When accessing the value of a key that isn't present in the map, the value returned is default value of the type of the mapped values. For example, In the code above, the value type is int, so it's default value is 0. This means that my_map['z'] would return 0, this is because 'z' wasn't in my_map. After the execution of my_map['z'], the pair ('z', 0) will now be in my_map.


Write a program that takes a text file with only English words. Your program should output each word in the file followed by the number of times each word occurs. Your program should be case insensitive. Use a map with keys of type string and values of type int.

Test your program on the following poem (Lord Randall by Martin Carthy).

Where have ye been all the day my own dear darling boy
Where have ye been all the day my own dear comfort and joy
I have been to my stepmother make my bed mummy do
Make my bed mummy do

What did she give you for your supper
I got fish and I got broth

Where did she get the fish that she give you
Hedges sought and ditches caught

What did you do with your fish bones
I gave them to my greyhound

Tell me what did your greyhound do
There he swelled and there he died

I fear that she does you deadly wrong
She took me in but she did me slay

What will you leave to your mother
I will leave you me house and land

What will you leave your stepmother my own dear darling boy
What will you leave your stepmother my own dear comfort and joy
Bind her with rope and there let her hang with the halter that hangs on the tree
For poisoning of me

Create another version that counts the number of times each letter is used. It should also be case insensitive.