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Lecture 18- Test 2 Review

As usual, create a directory to hold today's activities:

$ mkdir ~/cs170/labs/lab18 
$ cd ~/cs170/labs/lab18

Lab Activity 1

Answer Key

Test Review

In addition to the written portion of the test, there will be a coding portion. This will be done on the computers. For practice, attempt the following exercises, alone:

  1. Create a QT program that displays a form containing a text input box, and a submit button. Your program should collect all of the text EVER typed into the text input field, and display ALL of it on the QLabel. You can store the information the user enters in any way wish, but every value typed in must be displayed somewhere on the window.

  2. Create a simple QT program which displays a square target on the QT window. There are multiple ways to accomplish this, including one way that does not involve any programming what-so-ever. You would only get partial credit for the non-programming version on the exam, so write actual code to accomplish this.

While we wait for everyone to have a chance to attempt the above programming activities, work on your assignment!