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Lecture 35 - Test Review

As usual, create a directory to hold today's activities:

$ mkdir ~/cs170/labs/lab35 
$ cd ~/cs170/labs/lab35 

Course Evaluations

It's that time of year again! Time for you to fill out course evaluations. The college really likes to have a high response rate to course evaluations. And since my response rates are usually pretty low I figured I should probabaly do something to change that.

Some things to keep in mind:

I look forward to these surveys every year, as a mechanism for me to learn how I can do a better job helping you. So please be as honest as possible on these evaluations.

I'm going to give you guys some class time to work on them. I'll sit out in the lounge for about 10 - 15 minutes to give everyone an opportunity to fill them out. I'll send someone in to check and see how things are progressing, and I'll come back once everyone is done.

Lab Activity 1
Test Review

In addition to the written portion of the test, there will be a coding portion. This will be done on the computers. For practice, attempt the following exercises in a file called test_review.py, alone. Make sure you follow all coding conventions, including Pre and Post conditions!

  1. Download the file linked_list.py, which contains a LinkedList class. Add a method called slice(self, start_index, end_index), which returns a new linked list containing only the elements from the current list between the two indicies specified (including start_index, excluding end_index). Read the provided code carefully for this exercise.

    >>> linked_list = Linked_List()
    >>> for i in range(0, 11):
    >>> linked_list.append(i)
    >>> new_linked_list = linked_list.slice(2, 4)
    >>> print(linked_list)
    head -> 10 -> 9 -> 8 -> 7 -> 6 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0 -> None
    >>> print(new_linked_list)
    head -> 8 -> 7 -> None
    >>> new_linked_list = linked_list.slice(1, 8)
    >>> print(linked_list)
    head -> 10 -> 9 -> 8 -> 7 -> 6 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 0 -> None
    >>> print(new_linked_list)
    head -> 9 -> 8 -> 7 -> 6 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> None
  2. Download the file tree.py, which contains a BinaryTree class. Add a method called double_nodes(root), which inserts a duplicate of each node as their own left child.

    >>> my_tree = BinaryTree()
    >>> my_tree.insert(5)
    >>> my_tree.insert(3)
    >>> my_tree.insert(8)
    >>> my_tree.insert(4)
    >>> my_tree.insert(6)
    >>> my_tree.insert(7)
    >>> print(my_tree.pre_order())
    5 3 4 8 6 7 
    >>> my_tree.double_nodes(my_tree.root)
    >>> print(my_tree.pre_order())
    5 5 3 3 4 4 8 8 6 6 7 7
  3. Write a function called compute_anagrams(a_string), which takes as a parameter a string. This function should recursively compute all of the anagrams of the input word. They do not need to be real words. You may need to write a helper function for this problem.

    >>> print(compute_anagrams("bob"))
    ['bob', 'bbo', 'obb', 'obb', 'bbo', 'bob']
    >>> print(compute_anagrams("cpsc"))
    ['cpsc', 'cpcs', 'cspc', 'cscp', 'ccps', 'ccsp', 'pcsc', 'pccs',
     'pscc', 'pscc', 'pccs', 'pcsc', 'scpc', 'sccp', 'spcc', 'spcc',
     'sccp', 'scpc', 'ccps', 'ccsp', 'cpcs', 'cpsc', 'cscp', 'cspc'] 


When you have finished, create a tar file of your lab35 directory. To create a tar file, execute the following commands:

cd ~/cs170/labs
tar czvf lab35.tgz lab35/

To submit your activity, go to inquire.roanoke.edu. You should see an available assignment called Lab Assignment 35. Make sure you include a header listing the authors of the file.