Pig Latin Translator

Pig Latin is a somewhat silly language parody that is actually entirely English based. It is a simple transposition of letters that gives the effect of a "foreign" sounding language. However, even Thomas Jefferson couldn't resist writing letters to his friends in Pig Latin. The rules for converting an English word to Pig Latin are incredibly easy:

For example, the word scram becomes am'scray, while the word immediate become immediateyay.

Your goal for this assignment is to write a function convert_to_pig_latin, in a file called pig_latin.py. This function should take a string of alphabetic characters, and returns a string of alphabetic characters, the Pig Latin equivalent of the input word.

Your program should gracefully handle capitalization of words. For example, Hello should become Ello'hay, as opposed to ello'Hay. It may be useful to take a look at the string methods Python provides, to reduce some of this overhead.