Lecture 29 - Trees Continued

As usual, create a directory to hold today's activities:

$ mkdir ~/cs170/labs/lab29
$ cd ~/cs170/labs/lab29


You saw on Monday how we can build a binary tree following the rules of a binary tree. You also saw how to perform a pre-order, depth first traversal of a tree. I'll show you the other depth first traversals today in class. However, you should note that depth first is not the only way to traverse through a tree. There are also breadth first traversals. Depending on your goals, it might make more sense to perform one over the other.

Lab Activity 1
Breadth-First Traversal

In depth first traversal, we always traversed all the way down one entire branch, before starting to explore another branch of the tree. This led us to having essentially three different forms of depth-first traversals: in-order, pre-order, and post-order. Another form of traversal is known and Breadth-First: It explores all of the nodes at the same depth, before exploring the nodes at a subsequent depth.

We saw this same mechanism at work in our paint bucket programs. If we used a stack, we would essentially try to fill in a weird spiral pattern. With a queue, we would radiate out from the central point. This analogue applies here as well: depth-first uses a stack, which breadth-first uses a queue.


Copy your binary_tree.py file from last class into your current directory:

$ cd ~/cs170/labs/lab29
$ cp ../lab28/binary_tree.py .

Add a new method to your BinaryTree class called breadth_first(self). This function should return a string, representing the breadth-first traversal of the current tree.


>>> my_tree = BinaryTree()
>>> my_tree.insert(5)
>>> my_tree.insert(3)
>>> my_tree.insert(4)
>>> my_tree.insert(8)
>>> my_tree.insert(7)
>>> my_tree.insert(6)
>>> print(my_tree.breadth_first())
5 3 8 4 7 6


  • For once, I am going to urge you to not write this function recursively. It is possible, but adds unnecessary complications to the entire function.

  • Create a queue at the beginning of the program, and add the root of the tree to the queue. This is going to be the initialization of your entire algorithm.

  • You are going to loop through the entire queue. You will pull the front element off the queue, and concatenate that to the end of a string you will return from this function. Then, you will try to enqueue the two children of that node into the queue. Make sure you don't enqueue any None nodes!



One of the issues with breadth-first traversal is it is unclear which elements are children of other elements. This is partially because an element could appear in multiple places in the tree, depending on when it was inserted. This is especially true for trees that are not well balanced: The tree structure is completely abstracted away!

One simple solution is to make sure that the entire tree is represented in the traversals....even "None" leaves. Write a new method called breadth_traversal_complete(self), which also inserts "None" into the output string for locations that terminate within the tree. Does this completely solve the problem?

Lab Assignment 29

Now we can finally see why we would use a Binary Tree, other than just building them and playing around with them. A tree of the form we have been building is called a "Binary Search Tree." Essentially, they are trees that have the ordering property defined on them. This should mean that Binary Search should work pretty well on a Binary Search Tree. Let's try it out.


In your binary_tree.py file, write a new method in the BinaryTree class called search(self, data). This function should return True if data is in the binary tree, and False otherwise.

Again, there are two ways to accomplish this function: iteratively or recursively. Write any additional functions or methods you may need to accomplish your tasks. Write your estimation of the Big-Oh class of search, based on the number of nodes N in the tree, in the comments of your file.


>>> my_list = [5, 3, 4, 8, 9]
>>> my_tree = BinaryTree()
>>> for element in my_list:
...     my_tree.insert(element)
>>> print(my_tree.search(5))
>>> print(my_tree.search(9))
>>> print(my_tree.search(10))
>>> print(my_tree.search(6))


  • Binary search on a list involved finding the middle element of the list. Such an element doesn't quite exists in a tree. Instead, you are going to look at the data of the current element, to decide if you should explore down the left sub-tree, or the right sub-tree.

  • If you are looking at a node that contains your data, then you have found the item. However, you only know the items isn't in the tree when you reach an empty node.



As you might have noticed, our trees can get quite out of balance. Especially if they are given a list of sorted elements. If we have a list of sorted elements inserted into the tree, our tree is going to almost look like a linked list. There are two ways to handle this issue: balance the trees, or randomly choose which elements to insert.

For now, let's take the simplified approach. Write a new method insert_randomly(self, a_list), which takes a list of elements to insert into the tree. Instead of iteratively inserting all of the elements of the list directly into the tree, insert them into the tree in some random order.

This only helps if it actually reduces how deep the tree actually is. Write a method height(self), which returns how long the longest branch of the tree is. Try inserting lists of size 100 into the tree. What is the average depth of the tree, using this random insert mechanism?


When you have finished, create a tar file of your lab29 directory. To create a tar file, execute the following commands:

cd ~/cs170/labs
tar czvf lab29.tgz lab29/

To submit your activity, go to cseval.roanoke.edu. You should see an available assignment called Lab Assignment 29. Make sure you include a header listing the authors of the file.

In-Class Notes

Homework Problems

Create a directory called week11_homework, which will hold your homework for this week:

$ cd ~/cs170/
$ mkdir week11_homework
$ cd week11_homework

Problem 1

Tree Sort

One of the applications of a binary search tree is the fact that it can be used to implement a relatively simple sorting algorithm. The process is pretty straight forward: insert all of the elements of the list to be sorted into the tree. Then, perform a in-order traversal to determine the order to put the items back into the list.


Create a file called tree_sort.py. You will need to import your binary_tree.py file, so you can use your binary tree in this problem. Write a function tree_sort(a_list), which takes a list of integers, and returns a sorted copy of that list.


>>> print(tree_sort([4, 3, 5, 1, 2]))
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Problem 2

Binary Search on Linked Lists

We have seen binary search on a python list. This was faster than linear search, because we knew how to get to the middle element directly. For a linked list, this is not the case. We can still write the algorithm for binary search, but it might not be as efficient anymore.


Write a function binary_search_linked(linked_list, element), which takes a linked list as a paramter. It should return True if the element is in the list, and false otherwise. You should perform the typical binary search operations for this one: find the middle element of the list, determine which half of the list to explore further, then explore that half of the list.

Last modified: Wed Apr 2 14:01:25 EDT 2014