CPSC365A Database Connection Information


The "Libraries" link above links to a collection of two libraries. The first is a library provided by the Apache foundation called httpcomponents. These libraries provide all the functionality necessary to define and execute HTTP requests. My code uses these libraries extensively, so in order to use my library, you need to import these libraries.

The second library is my scotty_db_connection.jar library, which contains 3 classes in the com.scotty.db package. Those classes are Event, User, and DatabaseConnect. As you can imaging, DatabaseConnect is the class that does the actual connection to the database. Event and User are classes that act as structs in C/C++. All the fields of the classes are publicly accessible, so you can read and modify their contents directly.

The first link above is a generated JavaDoc of the classes pertinent methods and fields. Make sure you read through this documentation, so you understand what you can, and cannot do currently with the library as defined. If you need additional functionality, please let me know ASAP, so that I can add this functionality in.

For your sanity of working with the external database, I have created a PHP file which pulls everything out of the database, and minimally formats it for your viewing pleasure. This is what the final link is for.