CPSC170 Lab 10

Stacks and Queues

In this lab you are going to implement linked lists that represent two new data structures: Stacks and Queues. We will discuss these data structures over the next few days, but today is as good a day as any to start. These are covered in Chapter's 6 & 7 in the textbook.

Creating Stack and Queue classes

The file linked_list.py contains a linked list class similar to what you have been using for two weeks. Take special notice that this version has the "last" reference that we discussed in class, and it does not have a method for removing arbitrary elements. The only thing that you have not implemented in labs as of yet is the "add_front" method. Go ahead and fill this method in before you continue.

Create two new classes: Stack and Queue. These both should inherit from linked list. A Stack is a class of data structure, which implements two key methods:

As you will notice, with a Stack you are always retrieving the most recent thing placed in the data structure. For this reason, stacks are commonly referred to as Last In-First Out, or LIFO, data structures. This is very similar to a stack of plates as you would find in the Commons.

Queues, on the other hand, are referred to as First In-First Out, or FIFO, data structures. The data you retrieve is always the oldest from within the data structure. For example, the line of people waiting to get their food at the Commons is a queue. For this functionality, queues implement their own three key methods:

Each of your classes should also prevent anyone from using methods that go against the behavior of that data structure. For example, the Stack class should prevent someone from calling the add_last method. You can do this by overriding the method in Stack, and raising an exception.

Before you continue, you should test both of these structures thoroughly.

Using Queues

The file maze.py contains a simple maze traversal program. The maze is simply represented by a 2-d list of integers, either 0 or 1. 0 means that the cell is empty, 1 means the cell is occupied. You will write code, using a queue, that will determine if you can navigate between some start point, and some end point within the maze.

Write the can_traverse method to use a loop and a queue. The queue version should begin by adding the location of the start cell to an empty queue. Then, while the queue is not empty it should remove a cell from the queue. If the removed cell is the end cell then the loop should stop and the method should return true. If the cell is not the end cell it should add all of its neighboring cells that are valid to the queue, and mark the current cell as visited. If the queue becomes empty without ever traversing to the end cell, then the method should return false.

What is the Big-O complexity of this method? Let n = WIDTH * HEIGHT = the number of cells in the map. Write up an analysis of the Big-O complexity of the can_traverse method in a file called maze_analysis.txt. Include this file in your submitted directory.

Using Stacks

The file paint_bucket.py (you will also need the file ovals.gif for this program) contains a program that draws an image with several overlapping ovals. Complete the program so that clicking on the image fills regions like a paint bucket tool in raster drawing programs. When the mouse is clicked, the program calls the fill_region_recursive method and passes it the click location and the color of the pixel that was click. The method should set all pixels that neighbor the clicked pixel and are the same color to be the fill color.

The provided fill_region_recursive method implements a recursive solution to the problem. It simply colors in the specified point, and attempts to fill in the adjacent points as well. Test this code on the tiny oval at the center of the image first. If that works, test this code on a larger region. The program likely crashed on the large oval, and you will soon fix it. Do you know why it crashed?

Stacks to the Rescue

As it turns out, any recursive method can be rewritten using a stack. This is because Python uses a stack (referred to as the "call stack") to keep track of where in the program to return when the program finishes executing. The call stack also stores local variables of a method so that their values can be restored after a method call.

The paint bucket program fails if the area being filled is large because the Python interpreter ran out of memory for the call stack. Now that you have learned (and created) stacks, you can create a looping version of the paint bucket program that will not crash. Create a new fill method called full_region_loop that uses a loop and a stack instead of recursion. Also change the mouse click callback method to call the new fill_region_loop method. The looping version of the fill algorithm should begin by pushing the coordinates of the initial fill location onto an empty stack. Then, while the stack is not empty it should pop the top of the stack. If the top coordinate is of the same color as the initial click location, then it should set the color of the pixel at the coordinate and push the coordinates of each of the four neighboring pixels onto the stack.

Stacks vs. Queues

Time Permitting, ask Scotty when you reach this portion

We have seen two different problems, which queues and stacks are very well suited at solving, respectively. What happens if we use the opposite data structure? For each of the above programs, create a version that uses the opposite data structure. Is there any funny behavior that becomes apparent? Or do they seem to work just the same? Write up your findings in a text file called StackQueueFindings.txt, and include it in your submitted zip file.


Submit a zip file of your code on the course Inquire site that uses your last names as the file name.