CPSC 170 Post Lab 10
Final Project Prototype
Due Before Class on Tuesday, April 3rd

The next three post-lab assignments together are the final project. The final project is to implement the the 2D interactive education program that you proposed for the sub-assignment.


For this assignment, create a prototype of your proposed 2D interactive educational program for the One Laptop per Child program. The prototype should display non-moving sprites that are stored in a linked list and should be interactive. The file Game.zip contains a modified version of the simple 2D game and level editor from assignment four. The program no longer uses the Timer class to update every 30 milliseconds. Instead, it uses a while loop to update as frequently as it can. This loop also calculates the amount of time that elapses between frames to calculate the number of frames-per-second at which it is running.

Submission: Submit your code as a zip file with your name as the zip file name on the course Inquire site.