Seminar "Teaching" Presentations


Each group will use one class period to present the material in their chapter. The goal is to give everyone a clear general understanding of the topic including basic terminology, the issues involved, some solutions, and unsolved problems. You will not want to go off the deep end into a lot of technicalities. Generally you should bring into the discussion any current events or new developments related to the topic.

Time Line:

  1. All members of each group should carefully read the chapter and also search for additional information using the recommended reading and web sites at the end of the chapter, your favorite search engine, links from the course web site, and the library. If you have trouble finding information let me know.

  2. As a group decide which topics in the chapter you want to cover (you do not have to cover everything) and who is responsible for each topic. You also must decide what you want your classmates to do to prepare (a reading assignment with some followup questions or activities).

  3. Meet with me to discuss your plan. (My plan is to let class out 10-15 minutes early several days to discuss with each group, one per day except Wednesday, Feb. 16.)

  4. Prepare your presentation. You may use any media you wish - whatever you think works best for your particular topic.



Meeting and Presentation Dates

Group Meet with Prof Presentation
Authentication Monday, Jan. 31 Monday, Feb. 7
Access Control Wednesday, Feb. 2 Wednesday, Feb. 9
Database Security Friday, Feb. 4 Friday, Feb. 11
Intrusion Detection Friday, Feb. 4 Monday, Feb. 14
Malicious Software Wednesday, Feb. 16 Monday, Feb. 21
Denial of Service Wednesday, Feb. 16 Wednesday, Feb. 23