Due Date |
Assignment |
Wednesday, Jan. 19 |
Reading and Questions
Friday, Jan. 21
| Read Chapter 2;
Do #2.1 and 2.2 on page 70. You will need to go
to the textbook's Web site to download the file
describing the cipher (the download link for
files is on the left side of the page).
For part (b), write the steps in the
decryption algorithm.
Monday, Jan. 24
| Decide which of Chapters 3 - 8 you would be interested
in presenting. Each chapter will have 2 or 3 students that
will work together to present the material to the class.
For problem 2.3 on page 70,
Wednesday, Jan. 26
- Write the SDES algorithm in flowchart form.
- Do problem #6 on the back page. That is carry through the
steps in computing f for each round in Example 5.1.1
CORRECTION: The subkeys and result of the Initial Permutation
are incorrect on that example. The first round function result
is correct (for the given input) but the second round function
result should be f11111100(00011010) = 00101010. I
am mainly interested in you understanding the round function.
Wednesday, Feb. 2
- Stream Cipher Program
- Some problems to think about: p. 71, #2.5, 2.6; p. 622,
#19.6 (P21 should be P2), 19.7, 19.8
Friday, Feb. 4
| Simplified DES Program
Wednesday, Feb. 9
| Hand in the following problems:
- Pages 71-72, #2.7, 2.9
- Page 622, #19.6
- Pages 647-648, #20.3, 20.6 (a), 20.6 (d) (for these encrypt
the message and find the decryption key d), 20.11, 20.12
Wednesday, Feb. 16
Friday, March 18
Program: SDES in CBC Mode
Monday, March 21
- Read the article "Problem Solved?" from the June 2005 issue of
ACM's Queue magazine. You can access the article by
going to queue.acm.org
and click on Security under Browse Topics on the left of the
window. Look through the list of articles to find "Problem
- Write a brief summary (about one page single spaced with a blank
line between paragrahs) of at least two points in the article
that you find interesting or enlightening (something you hadn't
thought of).
Wednesday, March 23
- Read the paper Abstract and first two sections (Introduction
and Overview of Vulnerabilities) of the
"Finding Security Vulnerabilities in Java Applications
With Static Analysis" by V. Benjamin Levshits and Monica S. Lam
(presented at the 2005 Usenix Security Conference).
- Test Review
- Write a brief summary describing the general problem of
Java vulnerabilities and then describe one specific one. Include
a brief broad, easy to understand, description of what the researcher's
tool will do (in other words don't just lift the first sentence
of the abstract!).
Friday, March 25
| Test #2
Friday, April 1
| Presentations - Project Outline: Mark, Paul, Chris, Dumar, Greg
Click here for details
Monday, April 4
| Project Outline Presentations, Continued: Ben, Jon A., Jon O,
Wednesday, April 6
| Project Outline Presentations, Continued: Keith, Frank,
Mike S., Mike R., Natalie
Friday, April 8
| Project Outline Presentations, Continued: Justyn, Shawn
Monday, April 11
| No class - work on projects!!
Wednesday, April 13
| Guest Speaker
Friday, April 15
| Ethics Positions: Write a brief 1-2 page (single spaced)
thesis-driven paper addressing
one of the following questions. Your paper should outline the issues
involved, state your position with justification. For justification
you must include references to the ACM Code of Ethics - what in the code
applies, whether it supports your position or not (and if not, why not).
In class you will be expected to give a brief outline of your position.
This (paper plus presentation)
will be part of the oral presentation component of your course
The questions:
- Who should be responsible for software failure? (And under what
circumstances?) In particular, to what extent should software designers
and programmers be responsible?
- Under what circumstances should a computer professional "blow the
whistle" on a company or advertise a problem with software?
(A related issue you could focus on is when should a computer professional
point out a security flaw or vulnerability
in widely used software such as Windows? To what extent is it helpful
(the flaw is quickly fixed) or harmful (it is exploited in a harmful
- Should hackers be hired as security experts by companies or the
- An issue related to your project (clearly state the issue and your
Monday, April 18
| Full draft of final paper due (the experiential component
is not due unless it is a major part of your paper); Peer Review
Wednesday, April 20
| No class
Friday, April 22
| No class: Good Friday
Monday, April 25
| No class
Tuesday, April 26 (11:00 am - 2:30 pm with lunch provided)
| Final Projects Due
Final Presentations
Monday, May 2
| Exam Day (8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.): Final Presentations