CPSC 310 January 24 Assignment

Create a windows program using the XNA Game Studio framework that allows the user to move a first person camera around an environment that has a 3D modle that plays a sound when the the camera interects with it. Instead of altering an existing project from the book you should create a new one and add the Library from chapter 7. Download the model from the Google 3D warehouse and use Sketchup to convert it to a model that Game Studio can read. Use the model drawing code from chapter six to draw the model. Note you need to know how large a file is in order to scale it and put it in a location where it can be seen. Use model.Meshes[0].BoundingSphere.Radius to get the radius of the bounding sphere of a model that has only one mesh. Next, use the XACT tool to create a project that contains a sound cue for any wav or aiff file. Add the XACT project and copy the code from the book's chapter 7 project to play the sound when the camera interects with the model's bounding sphere. If you have extra time, try putting the code that represents the model and draws it in a separate class. To submit your code, zip the directory containing your visual studio project and upload it to the course Inquire site.