C++ Lab 2 - Arrays and Strings
Download the example programs from this page or
copy them from the course home page to your
directory for this lab as follows (assuming you are currently in
the directory):
cp ~cpsc/public_html/Spring2011/CPSC270A/lab2/*.cc .
Constants in C++
There are two ways to define constants in C++. As in Java, the convention
is to use all caps for the constant identifiers.
- Defining constants using const is similar to using final
in Java. An example:
const int DOZEN = 12;
This is done inside a function.
- Constants can also be defined using the preprocessor directive #define.
For example,
#define DOZEN 12
This is done outside of a function (before main or, later when we
use header files, in the header file).
Arrays in C++
The following declares list to be an array of 10 integers.
const int MAX_SIZE = 10;
int list[MAX_SIZE];
This declaration allocates space for 10 ints. The space is allocated
at compile-time and cannot be changed while the program is running.
One consequence of this is that the following is not legal in
standard C++:
int size;
cin >> size;
int list[size]; // NOT LEGAL - size was not known at compile-time
Later we will see a way to allocate space at run-time - dynamic
rather than static allocation.
Length of an Array: Unlike Java,
there is no a.length to determine the length of an array.
There is an operator sizeof that can be applied to any variable
to determine the number of bytes allocated to that variable.
So you could use sizeof(list) to determine the number of bytes
allocated to the array list. The result would be the number
of ints allocated times the size of an int (typically 4 bytes).
For the list declared above the result would be 40.
C++ allows the programmer to be
careless with array subscripts. For this (and other reasons) it
is generally best to use the vector class (later!) than the built-in
arrays. HOWEVER, there is a lot of code written with arrays so
a computer science major should be familiar with them and their
idiosyncracies (hazards!).
Exercise: The programs JavaArrays.java
and CPlusArrays.cc use arrays.
- Examine each program to see what it does.
- Compile and run JavaArrays.java. Try at least two different scenarios
for input - in one have the number of elements to print be less
than or equal to the number generated; in the other have the number of
elements to print larger than the number generated.
- Compile and run CPlusArrays.cc. As above, try different combinations
of input.
- Run the CPlusArrays.cc with 20 (or more) for the number of elements to
fill and the same the number of elements to print. You may (you should but
it doesn't always happen!)
get a segmentation fault because the code only allocated 10
spaces for the array. If you didn't get
a segmentation fault keep using larger numbers until you
get one. A segmentation fault occurs in
C++ when your program tries to access memory that has not been
allocated to it.
- ***CPlusArrays2.cc is the same
as the program above except it has 4 additional variables of type
int declared (two before the array declaration and two after).
These variables are assigned values in the program (look at the
code to see what these are). Compile
and run the program with 10 for the number of integers to
generate and 20 the number to print. What do you notice? What is going on?
- The formal parameter list for the function
does NOT give the size of the array. For example, the following
is the header for a function that finds and returns
the sum of the elements in an integer array a. The first
parameter is the number of elements actually in the array
(not just the number of spaces allocated).
int sum (int size, int a[])
- The value of an array is a constant reference to the first
element in the array. Just as in Java the parameters above are
passed by value but since the value of the array parameter is
a reference the function can change the actual values in the
array. That is, a[3] = 17 would change the value of the fourth
element in the actual parameter array.
*** Exercise:
- First study the program ArrayFunctions.cc, then
compile. Fix the problem by adding something that is missing (don't
rearrange any code)!
- Now run the program, then add a function that doubles every
other element in
the array starting at the first one. Put the function
declaration before main and the function definition after
main. Note that this function
will have void return type. In main add a statement that prints
the new array (or add a function to print an array then call it)
after the current statement that prints the original sum, then call
the sum function to print the new sum.
Strings in C++
A string in C++ is an array of characters (type char)
that has the null character (escape sequence \0) at the end).
The null character is automatically added to the characters in
a string when the string is read in or is assigned as a literal.
The program StringBasics.cc
gives an example. This program uses two functions provided by
C++ (actually C) - the sizeof function can be applied
to any variable
to find out how much space (number of bytes) the variable occupies.
The function strlen is a function in the standard C library
that gives the number of characters in the string. To use it
you need to use the include preprocessor directive to
include the header file for C string function (string.h).
The program also uses the function strcpy to copy
one string to another. Note that the first argument is the
destination, the second is the string to be copied. This function (or
a loop where you copy character by character) can be used
when you need to copy. However, you must use it with
caution - it does not check to see if there is enough
space in the destination string so you can get
unexpected results! You cannot use assignment.
- Compile and run the program. Note that for the string literal the
number of bytes is one more than the number of characters - that
accounts for the null character. For the string you typed in,
the number of bytes is the number declared for the array.
- Note what happened when string4 (the letters of the alphabet)
was copied into string3. What exactly is going on here? Explain
the behavior you observed.
- Things can get worse! Try an input string that is too big.
What happens? (The answer is going to depend on how big you
- Change MAX_LENGTH to something large enough to accomodate
string4. Rerun the program to make sure it works on reasonable
- See what happens when you try assigning strings.
There is already a declaration for string3 in the program.
Add an assignment statement to assign string3 to be the same as
string1. Try compiling and see what the error message is.
- Now change your assignment to assign string3 to be the same as
string2. Try compiling. This is a more general error message that
applies to any type of array in C++.
- Now try assigning string3 to be a literal. What happens?
- Use strcpy to assign string3 to be a literal (copy
a literal value into string3). Does it
Reading in Strings
If you didn't already do it run the program above again entering
a string with more than one word. Do it again putting several
white space characters in front of the sentence. What happened?
You should have noticed that using the extraction operator
>> on cin skips over whitespace and
stops reading at whitespace. So it doesn't work to read a whole line
that may contain spaces. To do that you need to use one of the
functions get or getline that operate on cin.
The program ReadStrings.cc reads in
two lines of text and prints them. Note the alternate syntax
for using get and getline.
- Study the code then compile and run the program.
- Comment out the line that adds the null character. Run the
program at least twice:
- Enter a shorter string for the second input than the first.
What happened?
- Enter a longer string for the second but less than
the maximum length. What happened?
The point - if you create your own string character by character
you must explicitly add the null character to the end.
Variables and literals of type char can be manipulated just as in
Java. Casting to an int gives the ASCII code and casting an
int to char gives the character. The
program Frequency.cc reads
in a string character by character and determines the frequency
of each letter in the alphabet. Study the code to be sure you
understand it. Compile and run.
Homework - Due, Thursday, February 3
- Complete this lab, including writing answers to the
questions about program behavior.
- Write a C++ program that implements the string-matching
algorithm referred to in problem #3 on page 24. Use a function
that is called from main for your algorithm. In particular
your program should take in a line of text and another string
(which may contain spaces). It should return the index of the
first character in the string if the string is found in the
text or -1 if the string is not in the text. Note: You only need
to find the first instance of the string in the case that it appears
more than once. You may not use any library functions except
possibly strlen or strcpy. Do straight string
processing where the string is an array of characters.
- Write a C++ program that implements an anagram checking algorithm
(problem #10 on page 39). You may assume the two strings have no
whitespace. As for #1 no library functions.
- Write a C++ program to implement the modified middle school algorithm
(we did in class) for finding the GCD. You should implement the
Sieve of Eratosthenes as a function. Instead of returning an array of
primes that is allocated in the function (there are problems with this
given what you know so far) that array should be a parameter. Use
the following header for the sieve function:
// Finds all primes less than or equal to n.
// PRE: n is a positive integer > 1
// POST: prime is an array containing all primes less than or
// equal to n; numPrimes is the number of primes in the array
void sieve (int n, int[] prime, int& numPrimes)