Topological Sorting

Due Thursday, April 21 by 11:59 pm

Implement the two topological sorting algorithms discussed in section 5.3 (this is basically problem #8 on page 176). Your source removal algorithm must be on the order of the number of vertices plus the number of edges (use the algorithm outlined in class).

You must use classes as outlined in your assignment to set up a graph and compute the in-degree of each vertex. Please note that this means you need at least 3 classes that represent objects and one program to test. You must have the following:

Classes with linked structures should have copy constructors, assignment overloading, and destructors.

The input files will be in the same format as described in that assignment (here).


Your program will be graded on a 100 point basis AND your documentation will be graded on an additional 50 point basis. Your documentation must adhere to the standards outlined in this document.

Your directory MUST include a Makefile (20% deduction in the program part of your grade without one).

Hand In

Tar or zip your directory with all files (including a Makefile) and send it to me.