CPSC 170 Sub Post Lab 3
Due Before Class on Friday, February 4th

The post lab 3 assignment involves moving objects between multiple lists. So, the ArrayList class from the last assignment will need to be extended to handle list operations. The file ArrayList.java contains the array list implementation from lab that uses Generics. It has four methods defined that are not implemented. The add(int index) method adds an element at the specified index (and shifts all existing higher indexed element up). The addList(ArrayList list, int index) method adds all of the elements of the specified list to the specified location (in order and shifts all existing higher indexed element up). The remove(int index) method removes the object at the specified index (and shifts all existing higher indexed elements down). The removeList(int startIndex, int endIndex) removes the all of the elements between the two specified indices (including the startIndex but excluding the endIndex and shifts all existing higher indexed elements down). Complete the methods as specified in the method comments. Use the JUnit testing file ArrayListTest.java to test your code and use Checkstyle to verify formatting.

Submission: Tar and submit your code on the course Inquire site.