Quick Hull Assignment and Command Line Arguments in C++

Due Thursday, March 26 by 4 p.m.

As we have discussed you are to implement the Quickhull algorithm outlined in Section 4.6. Your program must meet the following requirements (in addition to being correct!):

Files and Command Line Arguments

To use command line arguments in a C++ program, main must have the following header:
      int main (int argc, char * argv)
The parameter argc will contain the number of arguments passed to main when the program is called and argv is an array of the arguments. The first argument is the name of the executable and is in position 0 of the array (argv[0]).

The example commandArg.cc reads a list of numbers from a file and partitions them using just the first step of the quicksort algorithm. The file command1.in is a test file. Study this example and the earlier file IO example (earlier lab). Your program needs to also have the output file name passed in at the command line.