System Parameters for the Machine Shop Simulation

Current System:

Running the simulation: Run it for 800 hours (use a process to print out the results exactly at 800 hours) and 10 replications for each policy. The program should compute the cost per hour, the utilization of the repair workers, the average delay in the repair queue, and the average queue length.

Run the program for at least the following scenarios:

Notes for efficient running of your program: You definitely should have a loop in your program to do the replications and write the results to a file for data analysis. You could also add an outer one to test the different scenarios or you could just run the program multiple times, one for each scenario. To minimize having to type in the system parameters multiple times you can have the program read the input from a file. There are two ways to do this: one is to open a file in the program for input; the other is to use the re-direction feature of Unix. To use the redirection feature, just create a file, say, and type into it the input parameters (in the order they are asked for in the program). Then at the command line, type

       ./whatever.exe <