CPSC 170 Spring 2005
Program 1: A Calendar System
Due Friday, Feb 4, 2005


As a busy college student, you are finding it difficult to keep track of all of your commitments -- classes, labs, club meetings, sports practice, etc. Obviously, you need a calendar. But you know you'd lose a paper calendar and you're too cheap to buy a PDA, so you have decided to write your own. You figure you'll need at least the following features:

For now you think a single year at a time is sufficient.

You also have a couple of preferences you want to build into the system:

Program Design

To fulfill the requirements above, you should write a Calendar class with (at least) the following public methods: Your methods must have exactly the interfaces given, as I will call them using my driver.

A few implementation notes:

Extra Credit

Two possible extensions:

What To Turn In

Turn in hardcopy of your code and submit your prog1 directory as you do your labs. Both are due by 4:00 on Feb 4.