Solutions to Induction Review Exercises

Use mathematical induction to prove each of the following.
  1. Sum(i=0,n) 2i = 2n+1-1       n>0
    Base case: n=1  
    Left side: Sum(i=0,1) 2i = 20 + 21 = 1 + 2 = 3. 
    Right side: 21+1-1 = 4-1 = 3..
    Inductive step: 
    If Sum(i=0,k) 2i = 2k+1-1 then Sum(i=0,k+1) 2i = 2k+2-1
    Proof: By the inductive hypothesis, Sum(i=0,k) 2i = 2k+1-1.  
    Adding 2k+1 to both sides gives
    Sum(i=0,k+1) 2i =  2k+1-1 + 2k+1
                   = 2k+2-1.

  2. Sum(i=1,n) i+2 = n(n+5)/2     n>0
    Base case: n=1  
    Left side:  Sum(i=1,n) i+2 = 1+2 = 3.
    Right side: 1(1+5)/2 = 3.
    Inductive step: 
    If Sum(i=1,k) i+2 = k(k+5)/2 then Sum(i=1,k+1) i+2 = (k+1)((k+1)+5)/2 
                                   = (k+1)(k+6)/2 = (k2+7k+6)/2
    Proof: By the inductive hypothesis, Sum(i=1,k) i+2 = k(k+5)/2.
    Adding (k+1)+2 to both sides gives
    Sum(i=1,k+1) i+2 = k(k+5)/2 + k+3
                  = (k2+5k)/2 + (2k+6)/2
                  = (k2+5k+2k+6)/2 
                  = (k2+7k+6)/2.

  3. Any postage greater than or equal to 14 cents can be made with only 3 cent
    and 8 cent stamps.
    Base case: Need three base cases:
    n=14: 3+3+8
    n=15: 3+3+3+3+3
    n=16: 8+8
    Inductive step: If any postage r, 14<=r<=k, can be made using only 3 
    cent and 8 cent stamps, then postage k+1 can be made using only 3 cent
    and 8 cent stamps.
    Proof: We have shown 14, 15, and 16 as base cases, so we can assume
    that k+1>=17.  This means that k+1-3>=14, so by the inductive hypothesis
    we can make postage for k+1-3 using only 3 cent and 8 cent stamps.  To make
    postage for k+1, simply add a 3 cent stamp.