CPSC 170 Linked Structures Homework

Below is the summing code we looked at in class. For each of the two pieces of code,
  1. Determine whether it correctly solves the given problem. Remember that the list pointed to by front may contain 0 or more elements.
  2. If the code is correct, determine its complexity in big-Oh. If it is not correct, explain what it will do (that is, what the problem is) AND show how to correct it.

Here's the catch: Don't use the computer! These are THINKING exercises.

Write up your answers neatly; you will turn them in at class on Monday.

Here's the code.

  1. A loop that sums the elements of a linked list:
    sum = 0;
    for (LN<Integer> temp=front; temp.getNext()!=null; temp=temp.getNext())
         sum += temp.getElement();

  2. A recursive method that does the same thing:
    int sum(LN<Integer> node)
      if (node.getNext() == null)
        return node.getElement();
        return node.getElement() + sum(node.getNext());