We talked in class about representing objects using functions of
type message -> response.
Using this model, we discussed the following representation for a
node in a linked list of strings:
datatype message =
| GetData
| GetLink
datatype response =
Pred of bool
| Data of string
| Object of message -> response
fun root msg = Pred false;
fun null IsNull = Pred true
| null message = root message
fun node data link GetData = Data data
| node data link GetLink = Object link
| node data link other = root other
Using this model, write the following functions:
- makeList: string list -> message -> response. Takes an ML list
of strings and returns a linked list of nodes containing
those same strings using the model
above (that is, returns the node at the front of the list).
- isLast: (message -> response) -> bool. Takes a node
and returns
true if it is the last node in the list, that is, if its "next" element
is null. You may assume that the node itself is not null.
- last: (message -> response) -> response. Takes a node
and returns the data stored in the last node in the list trailing from
this node. You may assume that the node itself is not null.
- val list1 = makeList ["1"];
val list1 = fn : message -> response
- isLast list1;
val it = true : bool
- last list1;
val it = Data "1" : response
- val list2 = makeList["a", "b", "c"];
val list2 = fn : message -> response
- isLast list2;
val it = false : bool
- last list2;
val it = Data "c" : response