CPSC 170 Spring 2003
Program 3: Traversing a Maze
Due Friday, April 4
Imagine a maze represented by a two dimensional array as follows:
- A 1 in the array represents an open route.
- A 0 in the array represents a closed route.
- The person traversing the maze ("the rat") starts at the upper lefthand
corner (0,0).
The goal is to reach the lower righthand corner. The array need not be
- From each cell, the rat can move up, down, left, or right.
Of course, it can only move to another open cell, and cannot move
off the board.
No diagonal movement is allowed.
For example, consider the maze below:
1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1
In this maze, there is only one route to the end, marked by stars below:
* * 1 1 1 0
0 * 0 0 1 1
1 * 0 0 0 0
0 * * * * *
In general, there might be more than one route to the end, and of course
there could be an arbitrary number of dead ends.
Your assignment is to write a program to traverse such a maze.
Program Structure
Most of the work will be in a Maze class, which should contain the
following public methods:
- void readMaze(String filename) throws IOException -- reads the maze from the given file.
- String toString() -- returns the maze in a format like that shown above.
- void traverse() -- traverses the maze, modifying it so that cells
that are visited are marked with a *. Note that not only the final route will
be marked with *; all dead ends that were attempted will be marked as well.
You will also need a TestMaze class that will do the following:
- Create a new Maze object
- Prompt the user for a filename
- Read the maze from that file
- Print the initial maze
- Traverse the maze
- Print the traversed maze
One way to traverse a maze is using a stack. We will discuss this in
more detail in class, but the strategy is simple.
The program keeps a stack of cells to try next. It processes these with
a loop that basically does two things:
- Pops the top cell from the stack and marks it visited.
- Checks to see if the popped cell is the end of the maze. If not,
pushes all adjacent cells that are open and have not yet been visited.
You must write your own stack class that implements
the Stack interface using a linked representation.
Do this first, and test it thoroughly before you try to use it
in the Maze program.
Input and Output
The first line of the input file will contain the number of rows in
the maze; the second line will contain the number of columns in the maze.
Subsequent lines will store the maze itself, one row per line,
with no spaces between elements.
You will need to set up a FileReader to read from the file, and
you will probably want to create a BufferedReader from the FileReader
so that you can use its readLine() method. Since readLine() returns
a string, you will then need to transfer the characters in the string
to the array representing the maze. Remember that both the readMaze method
and the main method in the TestMaze class will need to include
throws IOException in their headers. You will also need to import
java.io.* in both files.
For the maze given above (which would be preceded by the
values 4 and 6 on separate lines in the input file),
your program might produce the
following output:
Original maze
1 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 0 0 1 1
1 1 0 0 0 0
0 1 1 1 1 1
Traversed maze
* * * * * 0
0 * 0 0 * *
1 * 0 0 0 0
0 * * * * *
Note that in this case only one dead end -- the one still marked with a
1 -- was not tried before the solution was found. The actual routes that
your program tries will depend on the order in which you push the
options onto the stack, so your output may look different.
What to Turn In
Turn in hardcopy of Maze.java, TestMaze.java, Stack.java, and
LinkedStack.java. Tar your prog3 direction and e-mail it to me with
cpsc170 prog3 in the Subject line.