CPSC 170 Spring 2003
Exam Topics
- Arrays -- 1-dim,2-dim
- Linked structures
- Sorting -- selection sort, insertion sort
- Searching -- sequential search, binary search
- Collections -- Bags, Stacks, Queues
- array and linked implementations
- use as ADTs
- Computational complexity -- big-O
- 1 + 2 + ... + N
- Recursion
- writing recursive methods
- understanding/tracing recursive methods
- Mathematical induction -- 1st, 2nd principle
- Recurrence relations
- Writing
- Finding closed form
- Exceptions
- try/catch
- checked vs. unchecked
- throw, throws
- Java I/O
- stream model
- byte vs. char streams
- data vs. processing streams
- Interfaces
- Inheritance
- Defining subclasses
- Polymorphism
- Dynamic method binding
- GUIs
- listening for events
- using inner classes to define event listeners
- general understanding of GUI components