CPSC 170 Lab 4: Inheritance
As usual, create a lab4 subdirectory for today's lab, open this
document in Netscape, and start emacs.
File Dog.java contains a declaration for a Dog
class. Save this file to your directory and study it -- notice what
instance variables and methods are provided. Files
and Yorkshire.java
contain declartions for
a classes that extend Dog.
Save and study these files as well.
File DogTest.java contains a simple
driver program that creates a dog and makes it speak.
DogTest.java, save it to your directory, and compile and run it to see
what it does. Now modify these files as follows:
- Add statements in DogTest.java after you create and print
the dog
to create and print a Yorkshire and
a Labrador. Note
that the Labrador constructor takes two parameters: the name and color
of the labrador, both strings.
Don't change any files besides DogTest.java. Now
recompile DogTest.java; you should get an error saying something like
./Labrador.java:18: cannot resolve symbol
symbol : constructor Dog ()
location: class Dog
But if you look at line 18 of Labrador.java, it's just a {. In fact,
the constructor the compiler can't find (Dog()) isn't called anywhere in this
- What's going on? (Hint: What did we say about constructors in
- Fix the problem (which really is in Labrador) so that DogTest.java
creates and makes the Dog, Labrador, and Yorkshire all speak.
- Add code to DogTest.java to print the average breed weight for
both your Labrador and your Yorkshire. Use the avgBreedWeight() method for
both. What error do you get? Why?
Fix the problem by adding the needed code to the Yorkshire class.
- Add an abstract int avgBreedWeight() method to the Dog class.
Remember that this means that the word abstract appears in the method
header after public, and that the method does not have a body (just
a semicolon after the parameter list).
It makes sense for this to be abstract, since Dog has no idea what breed
it is. Now any subclass of Dog must have an avgBreedWeight method; since
both Yorkshire and Laborador do, you should be all set.
Save these changes and recompile DogTest.java. You should get an error
in Dog.java (unless you made more changes than described above).
Figure out what's wrong and fix this error, then recompile DogTest.java.
You should get another error, this time in DogTest.java. Read the error
message carefully; it tells you exactly what the problem is. Fix this by
changing DogTest (which will mean taking some things out).
Print DogTest.java, Labrador.java, and Yorkshire.java.
A Sorted List Class
File IntList.java contains code for a integer
list class. Save it to your directory and study it; notice that the only
things you can do are create a list of a fixed size and add an element to
a list. If the list is already full, a message will be printed.
File ListTest.java contains code for a class that
creates an IntList, puts some values in it, and prints it. Save this
to your directory and compile and run it to see what it does.
Now write a class SortedIntList that extends IntList. SortedIntList should
be just like IntList except that its elements should always be sorted.
You can either insert the elements in the right place in the array or
insert them at the end and then call a sort routine -- you choose. Think
carefully about what methods and instance variables you have to define in
SortedIntList and what you can inherit directly from IntList -- don't
override anything you don't have to.
To test your class, modify ListTest.java so that after
it creates and prints the IntList, it
creates and prints a SortedIntList containing the same elements.
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
GUI objects in Java are called components, and any class that
defines a GUI object must be a subclass of the Component class. The standard
Component classes include Button, TextField, Label, and Container. Container
is an abstract class, so it can't be instantiated, but its subclasses
are Components that can have other things added to them. An Applet is a
Container, which means that we can add other components to an applet. For
more information on the classes Java Class Library, see the online
Java documentation.
Scroll through the classes in the box on the left until you find Component;
click on this and you will see a description of the Component class and its
methods in the center window, including a list of its subclasses. Follow
the links to find descriptions of the subclasses.
File Greeting.java contains a simple GUI that
asks the user to enter his or her name, then prints a greeting when the user
presses Enter. Save this program to your directory along with its
html file. Compile the program and run it with
the appletviewer to see how it works. Now modify it as follows:
- In init, the greeting label is initialized to be a long string of
spaces. Change this so that it is the empty string ("") and recompile and
run the program. You should see that the message is truncated -- only the
H shows. This is because the size of a Label is fixed when the label is
created and it doesn't change. This makes sense; the layout manager can't
figure out where to put the components unless it knows how big they are,
and you don't want them shifting around every time you change a label! So
if you are using a label to display a result, you will have to anticipate how
big the result could be and initialize the label to a string that size.
Set the greeting label initialization to its original value.
- Modify the applet so that it includes a button that says
"Show Greeting". Instead of printing the greeting when the user
presses Enter in the textfield, it should be printed when the button is
pressed. You will need to do the following:
- Declare a Button with the other component declarations.
- Create the Button object in init. The Button constructor takes one
argument, a string containing the text that will be displayed on the button
(its label).
- Add the button to the applet.
- Make the applet listen for ActionEvents from the button, not the textfield.
- Do you need to change the actionPerformed method?
- Although a button's label (the text on the button) usually remains fixed,
it can be changed with the void setLabel(String label) method of the
Button class. The current label on a button can be examined with the
String getLabel() method. You will need these methods for this
File BGChanger.java contains the skeleton for an
applet that should behave as follows:
- When the applet starts, it is all blue with a button at the top that
says "Change to red."
- When the user clicks the button, the applet changes to all red and the
button now says "Change to blue."
- When the user clicks the button, the color and button change back, and
so on.
Following the comments in the file, fill in the code necessary to make this
happen. Use the setBackground method of the Applet class to make the
applet appear a certain color.
In testing this you'll find that the button is a
little hard to see, since it is the same
color as the background. Modify your code to make the button always be
white. Hint: The setBackground method we use in Applet is actually
inherited from Component, and Button is also a Component.
- Turn in printouts of DogTest.java, Labrador.java, Yorkshire.java,
SortedIntList.java, Greeting.java and BGChanger.java.
- Tar the files in your lab4 directory and email the .tgz file
to me (bloss@cs.roanoke.edu).