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Lab 2: Colors and Moving

In the reading for today, you were introduced to two brand new blocks: Move To, and Set Color. The color allows us to change an aspect of the turtle we couldn't previously change. We can now draw in many different colors, which can be used to make even much more interesting drawings.

For all of our activities, make sure your practice with the new blocks today. Some of the activities you can complete without using the new blocks. They do save some time. Moving the turtle in two different directions simultaneously is a very powerful tool. Open up the Practice Area, and take a crack at the following activities.

Activity 1: Rainbow

Create a blockly program which will be able to draw a squared rainbow. The rainbow does not need to be centered vertically, but should be centered horizontally.

Activity 2: Star

Create a blockly program which will be able to draw a red star roughly centered in the turtle drawing area. Your star should be symmetrical, but it does not need to be in a vertical orientation. A tilted star is fine as long as it is centered.

Activity 3: Pentagon

Create a blockly program which will be able to draw a pentagon roughly centered in the turtle drawing area. Your pentagon does not need to be in a vertical orientation. A tilted pentagon is fine as long as it is centered.

Challenge Activity

Create a blockly program which will replicates the following image as closely as possible.