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Lab 1: Welcome to Turtle

Over the weekend, you hopefully read through the assigned reading and have a basic understanding of how Turtle and Blockly work. Today, we will play around with what we learned from that reading and will get introduced to a few more commands we can use.

For all of our activities, we will be working in the Blockly environment. I will walk you through how to use the practice area as a means of trying out the following activities. You should create a folder on your Z-drive for this course, to keep track of all of your files Practice Area

Activity 1: Square

Create a blockly program which will be able to draw a square. Your program does not need to center the square on the turtle screen.

Activity 2: Diamond

Create a blockly program which will be able to draw a diamond. Your program does not need to center the diamond on the turtle screen.

Activity 3: House

Create a blockly program which will be able to draw a simple house. Your program does not need to center the house on the turtle screen.