Web Programming

Assignment 6

CSS Positioning

Create an HTML and CSS file different with the following divs, each a different color to make their boundaries obvious:

  1. A menu bar div at the top of the window that spans the entire width and is fixed when the window scrolls. Note, no other divs should overlap with this div when the window is scrolled to the top.

  2. A main div that is 100% of the window width when the window is thinner than 992 pixels and is 992 pixels wide and centered when the window wider.

  3. A footer div that is below the main div and spans the entire width of the window. Note, if there is not enough content in the main div for the window to scroll, the footer should be at the bottom of the window.

Note, your code should not use anything we have not learned in class.


Submit your code on the course Inquire site.