Web Programming

Assignment 2

HTML Lists & Style

Create a web page with the following:

  1. An ordered list with text items ‘Links’ and ‘Images’.

  2. An unordered list nested inside the ‘Links’ list item. Note, the text ‘Links’ should be outside of the unordered list, but still inside the ordered list. The unordered list should contain three different links to web sites.

  3. An unordered list nested inside the ‘Images’ list item. Note, just as above the text ‘Images’ should be outside of the unordered list, but still inside the ordered list. The unordered list should contain three different images. Use the style tag to make the images small.

  4. Change the background color of the page, and change the font, font size, and font color of all text on the page. Note, all text should have the same font, font size, and font color.

  5. Add a large header to the top of the page. Center all of the text in the header. Note, the header should have the same font and font color as all of the other text, and it should have a font size that is larger.

  6. Pick one word in the header and change it’s color. Note, you should not use anything we have not learned yet to do this.


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