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Lab 22: Lists

As usual, create a directory to hold today's files. All programs that you write today should be stored in this directory.

    $ cd ~/cs120/labs
    $ mkdir lab22 
    $ cd lab22 

Practice 1

Write a function create_list(item_1, item_2, item_3, item_4, item_5), which takes 5 parameters of any type. Your function should create a list with item_1 as the first element, etc.

Practice 2

Write a function add_ends(a_list), which takes alist of elements as a parameter. Your function should return the sum of the first element and the last element from the list.

Birthday Paradox

Suppose someone comes into the class, and bets you $100 that some two people share a birthday within the individuals of the class. Do you share your birthday with anyone in the class? Is there a shared birthday between any two people in the class? It seems that the odds would be pretty slim. However, if you are putting up $100 on this bet, you might want to figure out your odds of winning this bet.


In a file called birthdays.py, create a function called shared_probability(group_size). This function takes one positive integer parameter, the number of people in a given group. This function should return a floating point value in the range \([0, 1]\), a probability that there is a shared birthday in a group of size group_size. The function should not compute the exact probability, instead it should approximate the probability with repeated simulation.

What is the minimum group size that the probability exceeds 50%? What is the minimum group size that there is a virtual guarantee (0.9999) there is a shared birthday?

>>> print(shared_probability(1))
>>> print(shared_probability(366))


The shared_probability function should execute a fixed number (some constant defined number greater than one) of simulations for a given group size. Each simulation consists of generating the requested number of random birthdays and determining if there is a shared birthday in the group.

You can execute a simulation by creating a list of the required size, and for each entry in the list chosing a random number in the range \([0, 365)\). There is a shared birthday if there is a duplicate number somewhere in this list.

To compute the actual probability, execute a simulation some arbitrarily large number of times (1000 should be good). Count the number of times you find a shared birthday in these simulations. Then you just need to divide this count by the number of simulations run.


The above program assumes that birthdays are uniformly distributed: For a given person, their odds of being born on a particular date is the same for all dates. However, it is probably pretty obvious to you that this is not true in real life cases. In fact, you are much more likely to be born in the months July - October than any other month in the year.

How could you use the random number generator, which outputs numbers in a uniform distribution, to generate some skewed non-uniform random distribution? Try to redo your shared_probability function using this new, non-uniform distribution of birthdays. How do the results for the above questions change? Do they get higher, or lower? You may assume, for simplicity sakes, that all months have 30 days for this challenge portion.

Batting Average

The World Series currently in progress, with the Cleveland Indians battling the Chicago Cubs. If you are a baseball fan, hopefully you were a fan of one of these teams. If you are like me, however, you root for a different team. Maybe your favorite team would have done better if they had written programs to compute player statistics, like batting average. Batting average is the ratio of hits to at bats. To compute a player's batting average you have to count the different types of hits a player makes.


Create a Python function called batting_average(appearances). in the file batting_average.py The function parameter, appearances, is a list of integers that encodes the results of a baseball player's appearances at batting. Each plate appearance can be interpreted as follows:

4Home Run

The function should return the batting average for the plate appearances in the list. The batting average can be computed using the following equations:

\[ at\_bats = plate\_appearances - walks\\ hits = singles + doubles + triples + home\_runs\\ batting\_average = hits / at\_bats \]

The function should not use the list count method. Make your own.


>>> print(batting_average([1, 1, -1]))
>>> napoli_at_bats = [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 2, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 2, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1]
>>> print(batting_average(napoli_at_bats))


The batting_average function would probably be much easier if you had some mechanism to count the number of appearances of some value in the list. Towards that end, create a Python function called count(a_list, element) in the same file. The function should return the number of times element occurs in the the list a_list. It would be wise to test this function before you try to use it in batting_average.


Sabermetrics is the application of statistics to the management of baseball teams that was popularized with the book Moneyball. Sabermetric tries to improve upon the batting average metric by not just computing a batter's hits but by also incorporating a batter's contribution to the number of runs scored. Create a function runs_created(appearances) that returns the Sabermetrics runs created statistic for the specified appearances list. The runs created stat can be computed with the following formulas:

$$total\_bases = (singles) + (2 × doubles) + (3 × triples) + (4 × home\_runs)\\ runs\_created = ((hits + walks) × (total\_bases)) / plate\_appearances$$

    >>> ortiz = [-1, 1, 4, -1, 0, 4, 1, -1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 1, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0]
    >>> print(runs_created(ortiz))