Draw what the following script would draw when run:
action main() ◳angle := 0 ▷go(25) ▷go(50) end action private action go( distance : Number) do turtle→forward(distance * 2) ◳angle := ◳angle + 45 turtle→left turn(◳angle) end action
For the following script:
action main() var board := game→start var rectangle := create rectangle(100, 100) rectangle→set pos(rectangle→width / 2, board→height / 2) board→add on every frame(perform) where perform() is ▷update(rectangle) end end action private action update( sprite : Sprite) do sprite→set x(sprite→x + 10) if sprite→right > board→width then sprite→set left(0) else do nothing end if end action
Draw what will be displayed when the app first starts.
Describe what will happen when the app runs.
For the following script:
page main () initialize ◳count := 0 display boxed box→set width(10) box→set height(10) if ◳count = 0 then box→set background(colors→black) else box→set border(colors→black, 0.1) end if box→on tapped(handler) where handler() is ◳count := ◳count + 1 if ◳count = 2 then ◳count := 0 else do nothing end if end end boxed end page
Draw what will be displayed when the app first starts.
Describe what will happen when the user presses the button multiple times.