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Lab 24: Lists

As usual, create a directory to hold today's files. All programs that you write today should be stored in this directory.

$ cd ~/cs120/labs
$ mkdir lab24$ cd lab24

This activity is to be done individually. You can access any files in your home directory, and any files on the cs.roanoke.edu webpage. Any deviation from these rules is an academic integrity violation, and will be treated as such.


Makeup Problem

One simple type of encryption scheme is known as a substitution cipher. For each character in the alphabet, we specify another character that it should be encoded as. For this exercise, you will write a function to encode a string using a simple substitution cipher.

In a file called substitution.py, write a function called encode_substitution(plain_text, key). plain_text is a string of lower-case ASCII characters, but includes spaces and punctuation. key is a string of lower-case ASCII characters, and len(key) is 26. Your function should return a string cipher_text, such that:

  1. len(cipher_text) == len(plain_text), and
  2. If plain_text[i] = φ, where φ is the jth character of the alphabet (with a being the 0th character of the alphabet), then cipher_text[i] is the jth character from key.


    >> encode_substitution("hello", "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba")
    >> encode_substitution("abcxyz", "azbycxdwevfugthsirjqkplomn")



To submit your activity, go to inquire.roanoke.edu. You should see an available assignment called Test 2 Makeup.


OMG, UR GMOM TOTES H8s TXT MSGs W/ ABBREVs. Create a program to help your grandmother translate text messages with abbreviations to plain English.


Create a function called translate_txt(text) in a file called txt.py. The function should return a string that is equivalent to the parameter text, with all abbreviations replaced with complete words or phrases. Assume that there is no punctuation in the message and that all words are separated with a space character. Do not use the string replace method. The program should use a dictionary that contains the following abbreviations:

Englishtextmessage youlove you aregreat tomorrowtoday tonightsee you beforethank you

Sample Test Cases

Function Parameters Expected Output
"GR8 I'll CU 2NITE" great I'll see you tonight


  • You will need to initialize the dictionary as a global variable using the curly brace notation. Recall that you can use the curly brace notation as follows:
    	  my_dictionary = {"CS": "FUN!", "Math": "Yay!"}
    	  print(my_dictionary["CS"]) # "FUN!"
    	  print(my_dictionary["Math"]) # "Yay!"
  • You need to use the split method to create a list of words in the input string.

  • You can check to see if a word is a key in your dictionary using the in operator. If the string "hi" is a key in my_dict, then "hi" in my_dict returns True.

  • You are going to use the accumulator pattern for this activity. If the word is in the dictionary, add the translation. If it is not in the dictionary, add just the word.



It's important to be polite to your elders, but sometimes generational language barriers can make it difficult for your grandmother to see how polite you actually are. Extend grandma's text message app to translate to geriatric. The function should be able to translate phases consisting of multiple words.

>>> print(translate_txt("So long and thanks for all the fish!"))
Good bye, it was really great seeing you and I sincerely appreciate all the fish!


Just kidding. Well… not quite kidding. You see, Dr. Bouchard's INQ class is getting tired of his lectures, and would much rather take quizzes as opposed to learning actual useful information.

The problem is that Dr. Bouchard can be lazy on occasion, and this is one of those occasions. He has tasked you with coming up with a program that would allow his INQ students to take an interactive quiz.

The INQ students don't much care what the quiz is, so your quiz can be on whatever you want it to be. The choice is yours. Some ideas:


Create a program in a file called pop_quiz.py. Your program should ask the user to answer a series of questions. The user should be allowed to type in their answer to the question, short-answer style. After the user answers all of the questions, you should indicate how many questions they got correct.

This exercise is pretty open ended, but there are a few restrictions:


$ python3 pop_quiz.py
Welcome to the State Capital Quiz!
Which state's capital is Richmond? Virginia
Which state's capital is Montpelier? Ontario
Wrong! The answer was Vermont.
You answered 3 out of 5 questions correctly.


  • Your key for the dictionary should be the question you are asking, and the value for the dictionary should be answer to the question.

  • Create a function ask_question(question, answer). This function takes a question and answer as parameters, both strings. This function should return True If the user gets the question right, False otherwise.

  • You will have to create a loop that iterates over the keys of your dictionary. You can get a list of your questions using the keys method of dictionaries.



If you ask any student on campus what their favorite type of test is, the answer is will almost universally be "Multiple Choice." Most student's deductive reasoning skills grant them the capability to make very educated guesses, resulting in the perception of an easier test.

Dr. Bouchard's students want as easy of a quiz as possible. While none of the above ideas necessarily benefit from being multiple choice, his students would likely appreciate your altering of the short-answer quiz to one of a multiple choice variety.

$ python3 pop_quiz.py
Which state's capital is Richmond?
  a) Virginia
  b) Missouri
  c) Oregon
  d) Utah
Answer: d
Wrong!  The answer was a) Virginia