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Lab 20: Hexadecimal and Base Conversion

As usual, create a directory to hold today's files. All programs that you write today should be stored in this directory.

$ cd ~/cs120/labs
$ mkdir lab20
$ cd lab20

Parse Hex

One of the new bases that we introduced today in class was Hexadecimal, base-16. Base-16 is interesting because some of the tokens for a base-16 number are not numerals. Some of the digits in a hex number are characters. To demonstrate your knowledge of hexadecimal, write a function that converts hexadecimal numbers to decimal integers.


Write a function called parse_hex(hex_string) in a file called parse_hex.py. The function should return an int value that is equivalent to the hexadecimal integer represented with hex_string. The function should assume that hex_string consists of the only the characters '0'-'9' and 'A'-'F'.

Make sure your program handles all necessary cases gracefully. What additional test cases should you check?

Sample Test Cases

Function Call Expected Output
parse_hex('B') 11
parse_hex("00") 0


  • You are going to use the accumulator pattern for this activity.

  • Unlike the previous parsing functions you wrote, you cannot simply figure out the decimal by taking the ord of the character you are inspecting in the string. You need to figure out if it's alpha or a digit. You can use the isalpha and isdigit method for strings to determine this.

  • Otherwise, the same process from Monday applies. What are you multiplying by in this case?


We typically write hexadecimal using upper case characters. However, even lower case characters work. Alter your function above so it works for either upper case or lower case characters.

Base Conversion

We can convert from binary to decimal values, however, there are many instances where we want to go the other direction. Having a binary number can assist in computing permutations of a set, as well as many other practical applications. Today, you will write a function that will perform the computation the opposite direction.


Write a function called convert_base(integer, new_base) in a file called base_conversion.py. This function takes two integer parameters: the decimal number to convert and the new base to convert to (\(1 < new\_base < 10\)). This function should return a string representation of integer in the specified base.

Make sure your program handles all necessary cases gracefully. What additional test cases should you check?

Sample Test Cases

Function Call Expected Output
convert_base(2, 2) 10
convert_base(3, 2) 11
convert_base(3, 3) 10


  • You are going to use the accumulator pattern to accumulate a string that represents the input integer converted to the specified base.

  • Inside the loop calculate the quotient and remainder of dividing the input integer by the new base. The remainder is a place in the converted integer and should be accumulated.

  • The quotient of the previous iteration is the input integer of the next iteration. At the bottom of the loop, update the input integer to be the quotient.


Another very popular numeric system is known as hexadecimal. hexadecimal is simply a base 16 number system. However, we only have 10 "numeric" digits to work with in our number system. We typically get around this by using letters for the rest of the numbers. So, 'A' is used to represent the digit 10, 'B' for the digit 11, and up to 'F' representing the digit 15.

Alter your convert_base function to allow for conversions of bases up to 16. In an ideal world, this change would actually account for bases up to 36. Recall that you can use the chr function to convert a number into an ASCII character.