Lecture 25 - More Complex Encryption

As usual, create two directories for today's class. Create a directory called lecture25 under activities, and a directory called lab25 under labs.

Lab Activity 1

Test Cases!

For the following function header, write some tests cases that you could execute on that code. Write these test cases in a file called base_test_cases.py in your lecture25 directory.

#Pre:  to_convert is an integer >= 0, the number to have its base
#      converted.
#      base is an integer in the range [1,36], the base to convert
#      to_convert to.
#Post: Returns a string, the  base 'base' encoding of the to_convert
#      integer. 
def convert_base(to_convert, base)

Once you have written your test cases, download the base_conversion module in the same directory. You can use this file in your base_test_cases.py file by typing import base_conversion at the top of your file. Remember, since this is a module you have to reference the function by specifying which module the function is coming from: base_conversion.convert_base(...).


Up to now, we have restricted ourselves to code we have written must be contained in one file. So, for example, to use your rot13 code from the last lab, you would copy/paste the functions into your current file. You have seen that it is possible to include code from other locations; This is exactly what the random and turtle modules allow us to accomplish. Today, I'll show you how you can include your code from other files, to avoid having to copy/paste.

Lab Activity 2

Execute the test cases you wrote in Activity 1 on the code you wrote last Wednesday for your base conversion program. Did you discover any problems?

Breaking Caesar

On Monday, you wrote rot13, a variant of the Caesar Cipher. Today, I'll show you how easy it is to break the Caesar Cipher, and what makes it easy to break.

Lab Assignment 25

Substitution Cipher

Another common technique for encryption is known as the Substitution Cipher. Instead of defining a linear equation between the plaintext and ciphertext, you can define a map that translates characters using a specified order. This is exactly what the Cryptogram puzzle I showed day 1 uses.

The key in the substitution cipher is a string of characters in the range [a, z]. For example, the string "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" is one possible key in the substitution cipher. It maps the letter 'a' to the letter 'a', the letter 'b' to 'b', and so on. A more interesting example would be "zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba", which maps 'a' to 'z', 'b' to 'y', and so on. For example, "hello world" would become "svool dliow" under this key. Notice that characters that are not alphabetic are not encoded, and their normal value is included.

In a file called ciphers.py, define a function called encode_substitution. This function takes two parameters: the plaintext as a string of lowercase characters, and a key as a string of lowercase characters. Your function will return a string of lowercase characters, which is the plaintext with each character substituted with its corresponding letter.

Before you write the body of the encode_substitution function, define another file called test_ciphers.py, which will define all of the test cases you will use to validate the function you will ultimately write. Make sure you think about what special cases your code might need to handle. You should also specify your expected output NOW, so you know whether your code ultimately works.

Write your encode_substitution function, then execute your test cases. Make sure you correct any issues, instead of commenting the issues away!


Right now, your function only encodes lowercase alphabetic characters. However, a better system would also be able to handle numbers and some special characters. This would allow certain things, like spaces, to become characters that can be encoded. This theoretically makes the encryption scheme harder to break, since the key sizes must increase. For example, "hello world" might get encoded to "ea p!qpz o". This is definitely harder to break, because now spaces do not reveal actual breaks in words.

Think about what additional information you need to handle this case. You may need to add additional parameters to your function, in order to handle these new characters. Alter your encode_substitution function to actually perform encoding on non-lowercase alphabetic characters. Your function should still work on elements that are not defined in your keys.


When you have finished, create a tar file of your lab25 directory. To create a tar file, execute the following commands:

cd ~/cs120/labs
tar czvf lab25.tgz lab25/

To submit your activity, go to cseval.roanoke.edu. You should see an available assignment called Lab Assignment 25. Only one of your pair should submit your activity. Make sure both partners are listed in the header of your files.

Do not forget to email your partner today's files!

Last modified: Sat Oct 26 22:28:07 EDT 2013