CPSC220 Assignment 6
Hash Table
Due Before 8:40AM on Wednesday, November 3rd


Create a class that implements a hash table using generics. You can use the file HashTable.java as a template for your class. Your class must implement all of the methods as specified in the comments of the HashTable.java file. The hash table should expand to hold more items based on a load factor. You can use either chaining or open addressing to resolve collisions. Use JUnit to test and verify that your class works as specified.

As usual, use good programming techniques. You should use good variable names, whitespace, comments, and follow the Java coding conventions. Make your code easy to read and understand by keeping lines of code and methods simple and short.

Submission: Tar your code and copy it to the directory ~bouchard/CPSC220/assign6 on cs.roanoke.edu by 8:40AM on Wednesday, November 3rd.