CPSC 120B: Fundamentals of Computer Science I
Fall 2009: Java Operator Precedence

Priority Operator Operation
1 [] array access
. member acces
() method invocation
2 ++ increment
-- decrement
- numerical negation
! boolean negation
(type) type cast
new object creation
3 * multiplication
/ division
% modulo
4 + addition, concatenation
- subtraction
5 << left bit shift
>> right bit shift
6 < less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
> greater than or equal to
7 == equal to
!= not equal to
8 & bitwise and
9 | bitwise or
10 ^ bitwise exclusive or
11 && logical and
12 || logical or
13 : ? conditional
14 = equal to
*= times equals
/= divide equals
+= plus equals
-= minus equals
%= mod equals